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Land Use / Planning Documents

Public Notice on FEMA PA Action

The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) has submitted for FEMA Public Assistance for road damages resulting from the January 2023 storms. Please refer to the final public notice below regarding the project funded by the FEMA Public Assistance program, published February 22, 2022.

Final Public Notice FEMA PA 4683

Interested persons may submit comments, questions, or request a map of this specific project by writing to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region 9, 1111 Broadway #1200, Oakland, CA 94607, or by emailing FEMA-RIX-EHP-Documents@fema.dhs.gov. Comments should be sent in writing with the subject line “PW 00768; GM 714175; MRCA Franklin Canyon Road Damages” at the above address within 15 days of the date of this notice.

Malibu Lower-Cost Accommodations Public Works Plan

ERRATA – This posting originally requested written comments via email to “public.comment@mrca.ca.gov” while the published Notice of Preparation (NOP) and all other public notices requested written comments via email to “public.comments@mrca.ca.gov”. This error has been corrected in the posting below as of 3:45 PM (PST) 12/18/22 to be consistent with the NOP. All emailed comments to either “public.comment@mrca.ca.gov” OR “public.comments@mrca.ca.gov” have been received by MRCA during the 60-day scoping period (10/17/2022 – 12/16/2022).


The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) has prepared a Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the proposed Malibu Lower-Cost Accommodations Public Works Plan (Project). The MRCA is accepting comments for the Project’s public scoping period from October 17, 2022 through December 16, 2022. Please refer to the links below for more information about the Project.

The Scoping Meeting will be held virtually as follows for the convenience of property owners, residents, community groups, and affected agencies in the Project area:

Thursday October 27, 2022 at 6 pm, https://tinyurl.com/MalibuPWP

Written comments are accepted via email to public.comments@mrca.ca.gov and at the following address:

Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority
RE: Malibu Lower-Cost Accommodations Public Works Plan
Attn: Mario Sandoval, Project Manager
26800 Mulholland Highway
Calabasas, California 91302

The Notice of Preparation can be downloaded via the link below, and is also available for review at:

Malibu Library
23519 West Civic Center Way
Malibu, CA 90265

King Gillette Ranch
26800 Mulholland Highway
Calabasas, CA 91302

Los Angeles River Center & Gardens
570 West Avenue 26
Los Angeles, California 90065


Notice of Preparation

Fact Sheet


Mission Canyon Park

Mission Canyon

The comment period for the Mission Canyon Park Project’s Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) is now closed. Documents may be reviewed online at www.missioncanyonpark.com, or in person at Franklin Canyon Park and the Brentwood Library.

We appreciate the public’s involvement on this project. If you would like to receive updates on the Mission Canyon Park project, please sign up for our e-mail list at www.missioncanyonpark.com.

Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan

The comment period for Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority’s Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan is now closed.  The Plan identifies a range of natural hazards with the potential to significantly impact MRCA’s park resources within our area of responsibility, limited to facilities owned and maintained by MRCA.  The Plan also provides a list of action items that can be conducted to reduce impacts from the identified hazards.

The draft plan can be downloaded via this link: MRCA Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Malibu Coastal Access Public Works Plan

Coastal Scenery

The State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) and Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) have prepared a Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the proposed Malibu Coastal Access Public Works Plan (Project).  The SCC and MRCA are accepting comments for the Project’s public scoping period from December 9, 2019 through February 7, 2020*.  Please refer to the links below for more information about the Project.

Written comments are accepted via email to coastalaccesspwp@mrca.ca.gov and at the following address:

Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority
RE: Malibu Coastal Access Public Works Plan
Attn: Jessica Nguyen, Project Manager
26800 Mulholland Highway
Calabasas, California 91302

The Initial Study can be downloaded via the link below, and is also available for review at:

Malibu Library
23519 West Civic Center Way
Malibu, CA 90265

King Gillette Ranch
26800 Mulholland Highway
Calabasas, CA 91302

Los Angeles River Center & Gardens
570 West Avenue 26
Los Angeles, California 90065

Notice of Preparation
Initial Study

1/22/20 Public Scoping Meeting Materials:

Meeting Presentation

Site Summary Handout

Map Handout

*The previous posted date on this website for the end of the public scoping period was mistakenly posted as February 9, 2020. The end date has been updated to February 7, 2020 consistent with the Notice of Preparation.

The maps in these documents correct the location of Sites M1 and M2, which were incorrectly depicted in the Initial Study.

Escondido Canyon Park to Murphy Way Connector Project

The comment period for the Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the Escondido Canyon Park to Murphy Way Connector Project closed on April 4, 2019. At this time the project is being reevaluated to address concerns raised during the comment period.

Notice of Availability of Initial Study and Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration
Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration

Notice – Comment Period Extension

Appendices for Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration:
Appendix A – Development Plans
Appendix B – Biological Resources Reports-Part 1
Appendix B – Biological Resources Reports-Part 2
Appendix C – Archaeological Survey Report
Appendix D – Geologic Investigations-Part 1
Appendix D – Geologic Investigations-Part 2
Appendix E – LCP and Coastal Act Consistency
Appendix F – Traffic Study
Appendix G – Applicable Mitigation of Prior EIR

The Environmental Impact Report and Public Works Plan for the Malibu Parks Public Access Enhancement Plan can be accessed at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ien5rvrwkmjnrps/AABcT5mtszPZaCdsbxNtGADla?dl=0

Lechuza Beach Public Access Improvements Project 

Lechuza Beach

The Final Negative Declaration for the Lechuza Beach Public Access Improvements Project (the Project) will be considered for adoption and the Project will be considered for approval at the MRCA’s Governing Board meeting on May 1, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. at the Conejo Recreation and Park District, 403 West Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks, California.

Please refer to the links below for information about the Project.
