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March 2


I. Call to order.
II. Roll call.
III. Public Testimony on all agenda items and public comment on matters not on the agenda.
IV. Approval of Minutes. [Draft 2-3-16 Minutes]
V. Reports from Staff.
VI. Consent Calendar:
  (a) Consideration of resolution accepting the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority warrant disbursements for the period of January 22, 2016 to February 17, 2016. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment]
  (b) Consideration of resolution authorizing augmentation of the design services contract with Mia Lehrer + Associates for the Franklin/Ivar Park project. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment]
  (c) Consideration of resolution approving the plans and specifications for the Compton Creek Natural Park at Washington Elementary project, Phase 2. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment]
  (d) Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of a donation of an approximately 0.08 acre property, APN 5607-026-009, in the Mountain Oaks area, City of Glendale. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map 1] [Map 2]
  (e) Consideration of resolution ratifying acceptance of trail easement at 27865 Winding Way (APN 4467-005-007), City of Malibu. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] [Map]
  (f) Consideration of resolution authorizing amendment to agreement with SCI Consulting Group for the administration of MRCA Community Facilities Districts No. 1 and 2. [Staff Report] [Resolution]
VII. Consideration of resolution approving the plans and specifications for the Lopez Canyon Park Improvement project. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Map]
VIII. Consideration of resolution authorizing entering into a professional services contract with the Las Virgenes Unified School District for outdoor education camp at King Gillette Ranch. [Staff Report] [Resolution]
IX. Consideration of resolution authorizing acquisition of APN 2723-001-001 (4.47 acres) in the Santa Susana Pass using mitigation funding and acceptance of private and public funding for said acquisition, Chatsworth area. Negotiators: Joseph T. Edmiston; David Seror; Jessica L. Bagdanov, and Nancy Zamora.. Under consideration: price and terms. (This item may be heard in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8) [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map]
X. Consideration of resolution renaming the Barbara A. Fine Overlook at the Summit to the Barbara A. Fine and Alan Fine Overlook at the Summit. [Staff Report]
XI. Closed Session.
XII. Adjournment and announcement of future meetings.