I. |
Call to order. |
II. |
Roll call. |
III. |
Public Testimony on all agenda items and public comment on matters not on the agenda. |
IV. |
Approval of Minutes. [Draft 10-2-13 Minutes] |
V. |
Reports from Staff. |
VI. |
Consent Calendar: |
(a) |
Consideration of resolution adopting the MRCA Warrant Disbursements for the period of September 23, 2013 to October 27, 2013. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] |
(b) |
Consideration of resolution authorizing a professional services contract with MIG, Inc., for design services for the Pacoima Wash Greenway - El Dorado Park project. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] |
(c) |
Consideration of resolution authorizing granting easements to the County of Los Angeles for the construction, maintenance, and operation of culverts and drains over a portion of APN 4453-003-902, along Schueren Road, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] |
(d) |
Consideration of resolution authorizing a grant application to the California Coastal Commission Whale Tail grant program for MRCA interpretive programs. [Staff Report] [Resolution] |
(e) |
Consideration of resolution authorizing a comment letter to United States Army Corps of Engineers regarding the Los Angeles River Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study along 11 miles of the Los Angeles River. [Comment Letter] [Resolution] [Attachment] |
(f) |
Consideration of resolution authorizing the acceptance of conservation easements on APNs 2425-015-030, 031, 032, 033 and 034 on Multiview Drive in the Cahuenga Pass area, City of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] |
(g) |
Consideration of resolution awarding a contract to Bard Catering for food services related to Outdoor Education Camp at King Gillette Ranch. [Staff Report] [Resolution] |
VII. |
Consideration of resolution authorizing: (a) entering into a project agreement with the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District to acquire APNs 4472-018-007, 4472-023-007 and 008, 4472-024-005, 007 and 008, 4473-004-002 and 003 totaling approximately 416 acres in the Decker Canyon watershed; (b) entering into an agreement with the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy for the use of specified state funds, and (c) acquisition of said parcels. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] |
Consideration of resolution authorizing the use of Coastal Habitat Impact Mitigation Funds to acquire APNs 4472-018-007, 4472-023-007 and 008, 4472-024-005, 007 and 008, 4473-004-002 and 003 totaling approximately 416 acres in the Decker Canyon watershed. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] |
IX. |
Consideration of resolution: (a) authorizing the acquisition of APN 4465-004-045, approximately 56 acres in Ramirez Canyon, using Coastal Habitat Impact Mitigation Funds, Proposition A funds, and funds from the State Coastal Conservancy; (b) alternatively authorizing a grant of said funds as applicable to the Trust for Public Land for the acquisition of said parcel, and (c) authorizing entering into a Project Agreement with the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District for said acquisition via Assignment and Assumption Grant Agreement, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] |
X. |
Consideration of resolution authorizing the acquisition of APNs 2821-003-012 and 013 totaling approximately 80 acres in the Browns Canyon watershed using Proposition A funds and non-Corps related mitigation funds, unincorporated Chatsworth area. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] |
XI. |
Consideration of resolution approving the application, assurances, and application submission for grant funds and authorizing entering into a grant agreement with the State Coastal Conservancy to acquire APN 4465-004-045 in Ramirez Canyon and acceptance of said grant funding, unincorporated Malibu area. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] |
XII. |
Consideration of resolution opposing the proposed Hidden Creeks Estates Project (CPC-2005-6656-AD-GPA-ZC-CU-DA-ZAD/VTT-68724/ENV-2005-6657-EIR), and, in the event that a project is approved, conditionally authorizing the acceptance of trail easements, conservation easements, and fee simple open space related to the project, Browns Canyon watershed, Chatsworth and Porter Ranch areas. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Attachment 4] [Attachment 3] [Attachment 5] [Map 1] [Map 2] |
Consideration of resolution authorizing assignment of right to apply for 1st Supervisorial District Specified Proposition A Excess Funds (Big 5 – LA River) to the Amigos de los Rios for the La Plaza de Cultura Y Artes Outdoor Improvements Project, City of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] |
XIV. |
Closed Session. |
XV. |
Announcement of future meetings and adjournment. |