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November 5


I. Call to order.
II. Roll call.
III. Public Testimony on all agenda items and public comment on matters not on the agenda.
IV. Approval of Minutes. [Draft 10-1-14 Minutes] [Draft 10-1-14 Special Meeting Minutes]
V. Reports from Staff.
VI. Consent Calendar:
  (a) Consideration of resolution adopting the MRCA Warrant Disbursements for the period of September 20, 2014 to October 27, 2014. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment]
  (b) Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of donation of an approximately 81-acre property on Adobe Mountain, APN 3334-020-009, Antelope Valley, unincorporated County of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map]
  (c) Consideration of resolution authorizing entering into a professional services contract with the Las Virgenes Unified School District for outdoor education camp at King Gillette Ranch. [Staff Report] [Resolution]
  (d) Consideration of resolution authorizing granting a 10” wide easement to Southern California Edison Company for the construction, maintenance, and operation of overhead and underground electrical supply systems and communication systems over portions of APNs 2821-003-902, 2821-003-903, 2821-003-904, and 2821-002-902, Browns Canyon, Chatsworth. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2]
  (e) Consideration of resolution adopting a Youth Employment Plan for the Lopez Canyon Park Improvements funded by the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment]
  (f) Consideration of resolution adopting a Youth Employment Plan for the Development/Restoration of Trails in N and NE San Fernando Valley Improvements funded by the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment]
  (g) Consideration of resolution authorizing a contract with APSI Construction Management for construction management services for the Compton Creek Natural Park at Washington Elementary, Phase 2 project. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment]
  (h) Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of conservation easement(s) over portions of APN 2292-022-014 (3423 Standish Drive), approximately one acre total, adjacent Westridge Canyonback Wilderness Park, in the Mulholland Drive Scenic Corridor, City of Los Angeles. [Staff Report]
  (i) Consideration of resolution authorizing a comment letter to the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding a study of the Recreational Use Reassessment (recur) of the Engineered Channels of the Los Angeles River Watershed, Part II: Assessment and Staff Recommendations. [Comment Letter] [Resolution]
  (j) Consideration of resolution: (a) authorizing acceptance of a direct dedication of trail easements over APNs 4438-039-014 and 4438-033-012; (b) authorizing the extinguishment of all or portions of existing trail easements on said two parcels contingent upon recordation of adequate replacement of trail easements, and (c) authorizing acceptance of up to 30 acres of fee simple watershed land, Las Flores Canyon, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Map] [Resolution]
VII. Presentation and discussion of MRCA Basic Financial Statements and related Federal Single Audit Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2013. [Staff Report] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2]
VIII. Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of donation of 13 properties, with a combined acreage of approximately 1.73 acres, APNs 4371-016-024; 4371-017-013; 4371-032-020; 4371-033-008, 010, 014; 4371-039-002; 4371-040-015; 4371-046-004; 4379-032-005; 4380-017-009, 022, and 032 in the Beverly Glen Canyon watershed, acceptance of donation of an approximately 0.15-acre property, APN 5407-002-022, in central City, and payment of property taxes due in the current year for said properties partially using Santa Monica Mountains Open Space Preservation Assessment District No. 1 funds, City of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map 1] [Map 2]
IX. Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of a donation of APNs 4448-029-026, 027, and 028, and the expenditure of Coastal Habitat Impact Mitigation Fund to partially fund one or more of said donation parcels, Las Flores Canyon, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map]
X. Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of six parcels APNs 4452-020-086, 4452-020-101, 4461-009-034, 4461-009-037, 4461-011-024, 4461-018-035 totaling approximately 10.9 acres from the Mountains Restoration Trust, City of Malibu and unincorporated Malibu. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map 1] [Map 2]
XI. Consideration of resolution authorizing a professional services contract with BlueGreen Consulting for design services for the Caballero Creek and Los Angeles River Confluence Park project. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment]
XII. Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of a 300-acre conservation easement over portions of APNs 4455-012-004, 4455-014-037, 4455-014-038, 4455-015-005, 4455-043-003, and 4455-043-007, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map]
XIII. Consideration of resolution authorizing entering into a joint powers agreement with the County of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution]
XIV. Consideration of resolution authorizing entering into a lease with Dell Financial Services for Agency Computer Equipment. [Staff Report] [Resolution]
XV. Presentation by the City of Angels Fun Ride honoring MRCA Fire Division. [Staff Report]
XVI. Closed Session.
XVII. Announcement of future meetings and adjournment.