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January 6


I. Call to order.
II. Roll call.
III. Election of Officers.
IV. Public Testimony on all agenda items and public comment on matters not on the agenda.
V. Approval of Minutes. [Draft 12-2-15 Minutes]
VI. Reports from Staff.
VII. Consent Calendar:
  (a) Consideration of resolution accepting the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority warrant disbursements for the period of November 11, 2015 to December 18, 2015. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment]
  (b) Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of an additional easement over a portion of the property located at 22548 Pacific Coast Highway, City of Malibu. [Staff Report]
  (c) Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of a trail easement at 3093 Sweetwater Mesa Road on portions of APNs 4452-025-025 and 4453-005-089, City of Malibu and unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map]
  (d) Consideration of resolution awarding a contract to Bard Catering for food services related to Outdoor Education Camp at King Gillette Ranch. [Staff Report] [Resolution]
  (e) Consideration of resolution authorizing a comment letter to Los Angeles County on the revised Notice of Preparation (SCH No. 2004031072 ) for the Centennial Project, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Comment Letter] [Resolution] [Attachment]
  (f) Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of a conservation easement over an approximately 63-acre portion of APN 3209-011-006, Soledad Canyon, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map]
  (g) Consideration of resolution authorizing vehicle leases. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Attachment 3]
VIII. Consideration of resolution authorizing entering into an agreement with Forestar Chatsworth LLC (Deerlake Ranch project) to: (a) provide various temporary and permanent easements on adjacent Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) Deerlake Highlands parcels; (b) conduct oak tree mitigation on adjacent MRCA property; (c) accept funding for various purposes, and (d) accept the dedication of the following eighteen parcels totaling over one acre (APNs 2819-003-001; 2819-003-005; 2819-003-006; 2819-003-007; 2819-004-030; 2818-009-032; 2818-004-053; 2818-004-054; 2818-005-003; 2818-005-014; 2818-006-007; 2818-006-021; 2818-007-025; 2818-007-026; 2818-008-009; 2818-008-024; 2818-009-031, and 2818-009-033); unincorporated Chatsworth area. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map 1] [Map 2] [Map 3]
IX. Closed Session.
X. Announcement of future meetings and adjournment.