I. |
Call to order. |
II. |
Roll Call. |
III. |
Public Testimony on all agenda items and public comment on matters not on the agenda. |
IV. |
Approval of Minutes. [Draft 9-10-14 Minutes] |
V. |
Reports from Staff. |
VI. |
Consent Calendar: |
(a) |
Consideration of resolution adopting the MRCA Warrant Disbursements for the period of September 1, 2014 to September 19, 2014. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] |
(b) |
Consideration of resolution authorizing the expenditure of non-Corps associated in-lieu fee mitigation funds, and private donation funds, to acquire properties in the Los Angeles River, Malibu Creek, Antelope Valley, and Santa Clara River watersheds, at the Los Angeles County Tax Collector 2014A public auction. [Staff Report] [Resolution] |
(c) |
Consideration of resolution authorizing the expenditure of Coastal Habitat Impact Mitigation Fund fees to acquire properties in the Santa Monica Mountains coastal zone, at the Los Angeles County Tax Collector 2014A public auction. [Staff Report] [Resolution] |
(d) |
Consideration of resolution authorizing the expenditure of Santa Monica Mountains Open Space Preservation Assessment District No.1 (Area B) funds to acquire properties in the Beverly Glen watershed, City of Los Angeles, at the Los Angeles County Tax Collector 2014A public auction. [Staff Report] [Resolution] |
(e) |
Consideration of resolution authorizing the expenditure of Santa Monica Mountains Open Space Preservation Assessment District No.2 (Areas F) funds to acquire properties in Woodland Hills, City of Los Angeles, at the Los Angeles County Tax Collector 2014A public auction. [Staff Report] [Resolution] |
(f) |
Consideration of resolution authorizing the expenditure of Community Facilities District No.1 funds to acquire properties in Hollywood Hills, City of Los Angeles, at the Los Angeles County Tax Collector 2014A public auction. [Staff Report] [Resolution] |
(g) |
Consideration of resolution authorizing the expenditure of Community Facilities District No.2 funds to acquire properties in Woodland Hills, City of Los Angeles, at the Los Angeles County Tax Collector 2014A public auction. [Staff Report] [Resolution] |
(h) |
Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of conservation easements over APNs 3271-001-049, 3271-005-032, 3271-005-033, 3271-028-106 and associated management and monitoring funds in Val Verde, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Map] |
(i) |
Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of a conservation easement over a portion of APN 4382-006-001 (2850 Benedict Canyon Drive), approximately 0.05 acres, for wildlife movement purposes, in the Mulholland Drive Scenic Corridor, Benedict Canyon, City of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Map] |
VII. |
Consideration of resolution authorizing a professional services contract with Shannon & Wilson, Inc. for geotechnical services for the Park to Playa – Stocker Corridor Trailhead project. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] |
Consideration of resolution adopting findings that the Park to Playa – Stocker Corridor Trailhead construction project is substantially complex and increase the retention amount from 5% to 10%. [Staff Report] [Resolution] |
IX. |
Consideration of resolution approving the plans and specifications for the Park to Playa – Stocker Corridor Trailhead project. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] |
X. |
Consideration of resolution authorizing the modification of two promissory notes in the amounts of $3,000,000 and $1,000,000 and certain related actions. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] [Attachment 2] |
XI. |
Consideration of resolution authorizing entering into a contract with DIRTONU, Inc. dba MUROW CM for hillside stabilization at the Trebek Open Space property, Nichols Canyon. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] |
XII. |
Closed Session. |
Announcement of future meetings and adjournment. |