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April 6


I. Call to order.
II. Roll call.
III. Public Testimony on all agenda items and public comment on matters not on the agenda.
IV. Approval of Minutes. [Draft 3-2-16 Minutes] [Draft 3-17-16 Minutes]
V. Reports from Staff.
VI. Consent Calendar:
  (a) Consideration of resolution accepting the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority warrant disbursements for the period of February 18, 2016 to March 24, 2016. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment]
  (b) Consideration of resolution authorizing entering into a Facility Modification Agreement with the County of Los Angeles Flood Control District for the Ballona Creek Milton Street Park project. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment]
  (c) Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of conservation easement(s) over portions of APN 5572-002-005 (2745 and 2755 Outpost Drive), approximately 0.33 acres total, Mulholland Scenic Corridor, City of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] [Map]
  (d) Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of a donation in fee of APN 5549-003-010, approximately 0.44 acres, Cahuenga Pass, City of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map 1] [Map 2]
  (e) Consideration of resolution authorizing entering into contracts with the Santa Monica Mountains Resource Conservation District for habitat restoration both on and off Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority property in the 101 freeway corridor, Liberty Canyon, City of Agoura Hills. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map]
  (f) Consideration of resolution authorizing an application to the City of Malibu for a Coastal Development Permit for a beach access project at 20516 Pacific Coast Highway, City of Malibu. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map 1] [Map 2]
  (g) Consideration of resolution authorizing renewal of professional services contract with Cota Cole. [Staff Report] [Resolution]
  (h) Consideration of resolution authorizing renewal of professional services contract with Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgaard and Smith, LLP. [Staff Report] [Resolution]
  (i) Consideration of resolution authorizing renewal of professional services contract with Rand E. Pinsky. [Staff Report] [Resolution]
  (j) Consideration of resolution amending Resolutions Nos. 13-99 and 13-101 authorizing funding for the acquisition of approximately 6.28-acre parcel APN 4448-018-018 (1809 Tuna Canyon Road), adjacent Rocky Ledge, in the Topanga Canyon Watershed, unincorporated County of Los Angeles. Negotiators: Joseph T. Edmiston and Will Wild. Under consideration: price and terms. (This item may be heard in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8) [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Map 1] [Map 2]
VII. Consideration of resolution authorizing a professional service contract with SCI Consulting Group for planning and survey work for potential funding mechanisms. [Staff Report] [Resolution]
VIII. Consideration of resolution authorizing entering into an agreement with the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power for the operation and maintenance of a new open space area at the Girard Reservoir in Woodland Hills. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map]
IX. Consideration of resolution authorizing entering into a Project Agreement with the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District for the acquisition of APN 2063-048-011, a 40-acre property in Liberty Canyon, Agoura Hills. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map]
X. Consideration of resolution authorizing submission of a grant application to the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy for project planning and design work on Malibu coastal trail and access projects, City of Malibu and unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map]
XI. Consideration of resolution authorizing submission of a grant application to the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy for project planning and design work on upper Santa Clara River watershed projects in the Rim of the Valley Trail Corridor, City of Santa Clarita and unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution]
XII. Consideration of resolution authorizing submission of a grant application to the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy for the acquisition of APN 2064-006-001 (approximately 0.27 acres), Liberty Canyon, City of Agoura Hills. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map]
XIII. Consideration of resolution authorizing the acquisition of up to 37.05 acres comprised of all or portions of APNs 4434-008-007 and 4434-001-004 including conservation easement interests, and entering into necessary agreements with the owner to cover various pre-acquisition costs, Topanga Canyon watershed, unincorporated Los Angeles County. Negotiators: Joseph T. Edmiston and Tom Steers. Under consideration: price and terms. (This item may be heard in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8). [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map]
XIV. Consideration of adoption of ordinance regarding park rules and regulations, waiver of first reading, and introduction of “An ordinance of the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority establishing park rules and regulations, and prescribing the punishment for violations thereof. [ [Staff Report] [Draft Ordinance]
XV. Consideration of resolution authorizing the sale of an approximately 0.15 acre portion of APN 2385-018-904 and retaining a conservation and trail easement over all of said portion; 12899 W. Mulholland Drive, City of Los Angeles. Negotiators: Joseph T. Edmiston and Moe Hayat. Under consideration: price and terms. (This item may be heard in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8) [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map]
XVI. Closed session.
XVII. Announcement of future meetings and adjournment.