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MRCA Community Facilities District No. 1 Citizens’ Oversight Committee

Registered voters in the Santa Monica Mountains and Hollywood Hills areas east of the 405 Freeway to Griffith Park passed Measures HH  and GG  to provide funding to the MRCA to help protect and maintain local open space, wildlife corridors, and parklands and to increase fire prevention, ranger safety patrols, and clean water within these local areas of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Zone. This vote of the people residing in the boundary area established MRCA Community Facilities District No. 1 (Open Space Protection and Fire Prevention) and MRCA Community Facilities District No. 2016-1 (Open Space Protection and Fire Prevention)

As approved in the Measures, a Citizen’s Oversight Committee has been appointed by the MRCA Board to review and report annually on the expenditure of the special tax revenues.

Board Members:
Marian Dodge, Chair
Andrew Laskin, Vice-Chair
Stacy Sillins


CFD No. 1 Agenda June 14, 2024

COC District 1 June 14, 2024 — Attachments

Map of CFD-1 Boundary Area.

All funds raised by Measures HH and GG can only be spent in this boundary area.



COC District 1 Agenda 9-16-21

CFD-1 Citizen Oversight Committee 9-16-2021 Attachments

COC District 1 Agenda 7-23-2020

COC District 1 7-23-2020 Attachments


CFD-1 Citizens’ Oversight Committee Special Meeting January 12, 2018

Special Meeting January 10, 2018 Attachments


Annual Report CFD-1 Fiscal Year 2015-16

Secretary of State Report Measure HH Fiscal Year 2015-2016


Contact Board Secretary