Questions and Answers about MRCA Parkland and COVID-19 Restrictions
August 20, 2021
LOS ANGELES (August 20, 2021) – While the COVID-19 pandemic has rebounded in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties largely due to the Delta variant, most public parkland managed by the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA), including that owned by the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, is open to the public in accordance with the protocols set forth by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, the Ventura County Department of Public Health and directives by the cities in which the parks are located.
Below are questions and answers about the current status of MRCA parks and trails.
Are all MRCA parks and trails open?
Most MRCA-managed parks and trails are open daily from sunrise to sunset. A list of the MRCA’s most popular parks can be found at this link on its website
Are parking lots and restrooms open?
Parking lots, and many–but not all–restrooms are open at MRCA parks and trails.
Which MRCA parks and facilities are CLOSED
- All park buildings (with the exception of some outdoor-facing restroom facilities) and offices including those at King Gillette Ranch, Franklin Canyon Park, and Temescal Gateway Park
- Jerome C. Daniel Overlook above the Hollywood Bowl
- Los Angeles River Center and Gardens
What about Beach Accessways and Coastal Overlooks managed by MRCA?
Coastal beach accessways and overlooks managed by the MRCA are open. For the latest information, visit the MRCA Coastal Access Program webpage.
Do I need to wear a mask at MRCA parks?
In accordance with the protocols set forth by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and Ventura County Department of Public Health, masks are required to be worn by all persons indoors, which would include restrooms. There is no requirement for masks outdoors.
Can I bring my dog on my hike?
The same park rules apply as always. Dogs are allowed on leash and under owner’s immediate control at most (but not all) parks managed by the MRCA. Check for information on the individual park before you visit.
What else should I know?
Trail amenities, like trash cans, might not be available on your hike. Plan to carry out your own trash—Pack it in and Pack it out!
Be sure to follow basic hiking safety rules: only wear sturdy shoes, carry water, use sunscreen, and wear a hat. Be aware of natural hazards of Southern California open space areas: rattlesnakes, poison oak, and ticks.
Is the Los Angeles River Recreation Zone managed by the MRCA open?
Yes. The two LA River recreation zones managed by the MRCA—in Elysian Valley and in the Sepulveda Basin in Encino—are open for the season until September 30, 2021. For more information, visit the Los Angeles River Recreation Zone website.
Can I book a special event at an MRCA park?
Yes. Please consult the MRCA Weddings and Special Events webpage for more information.
Is filming allowed at MRCA-managed parks?
Yes. Please consult the MRCA Filming and Photography webpage for more information.
The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) is a local government public entity dedicated to the preservation and management of open space and parkland, watershed lands, trails, and wildlife habitat. The MRCA works in cooperation with other government partners to acquire parkland, participate in vital planning processes, provide natural resources and scientific expertise, and complete major park improvement projects. The MRCA manages and provides ranger services and fire protection for more than 75,000 acres of parkland that it owns and that are owned by the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy or other agencies and provides comprehensive education and interpretation and leadership programs for youth. It is one of the lead agencies providing for the revitalization of the Los Angeles River.