Newhall Pass Trailhead
Park Details
22945 Coltrane Avenue, Newhall

The Newhall Pass divides the Los Angeles River and Santa Clara River watersheds. On the west side of the pass, just north of the Weldon Canyon overpass, the Newhall Pass Trailhead offers a portal into the Santa Clarita Woodlands. The wide trail follows the Weldon Canyon Motorway to the crest of the Santa Susana Mountains.
The first section of trail may be the easiest way to view the diverse mixtures of tree species in the Santa Clarita Woodlands. Once up on the ridge, the trail courses through the planted oak woodlands adjacent to the Sunshine Canyon landfill and then enters the Michael D. Antonovich Open Space in East Canyon.
Parking: Street parking is available on Coltrane Avenue adjacent to I-5.