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Increase Habitat and Wildlife Protection, Fire Prevention, MRCA Ranger Patrol in Encino, Tarzana, and Woodland Hills

MRCA Measure GG, on the November 5, 2024 ballot, with mail ballots arriving in early October, will protect wildlife habitat and open space, improve local fire prevention services and support MRCA Park Ranger patrol in the Santa Monica Mountains in the city of Los Angeles west of the 405 Freeway in the communities of Encino, Tarzana, and Woodland Hills (see boundary map below).

Warmer temperatures and record setting heat have increased the risk of wildfires.  MRCA Measure GG will improve local fire prevention services in the hills and canyons of the Santa Monica Mountains west of the 405 Freeway in the communities of Encino, Tarzana, and Woodland Hills. Measure GG will also protect habitat and wildlife corridors and increase MRCA Park Ranger patrols in these unique hillside communities.

The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) is the only public agency responsible for acquiring, maintaining, and protecting local open spaces and wildlife corridors within the Eastern Santa Monica Mountains. The MRCA has historically relied on temporary, local funding measures to continue its operations, as it does not receive permanent, ongoing funding from local or state taxes. Without the renewal provided by Measure GG, the MRCA’s ability to protect these critical areas could be severely compromised, threatening both fire prevention efforts and wildlife protection.

For $38 per year for 15 years only, Measure GG will provide the MRCA with the necessary resources to continue local fire prevention and protection services and to safeguard local open space. These funds will help protect diverse wildlife, including mountain lions, bobcats, and deer, all of which rely on these habitats for survival.

100% of Measure GG funds will be used exclusively within the hillside communities of Woodland Hills, Encino, and Tarzana. A Citizens’ Oversight Committee and annual audits will ensure accountability.

  • Protect Local Open Space: Preserve remaining open space and wildlife habitat from development.
  • Protect Water Quality: Keep local creeks, springs, and reservoirs free from pollution and trash.
  • Ensure Public Safety: Provide year-round park ranger safety and security patrols to prevent crime, arson, and vandalism in local parks, overlooks, and open spaces.
  • Support Wildlife Corridors: Protect and maintain corridors essential for the survival of animals and wildlife like mountain lions, deer, bobcats, and grey foxes.
  • Enhance Fire Prevention: Ensure fire safety with year-round brush clearing, park ranger patrols, and maintenance of irrigated green areas.
  • Provide extra fire patrols on high risk days.
  • Remove Fire Hazards: Clear illegal encampments from public spaces to reduce fire risks.

About MRCA Measure GG 2024

Measure GG Ballot Question

Full Text of MRCA Measure GG

Impartial analysis of MRCA measure GG 

MRCA Measure GG-Boundary Map