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Search results for 'Best Price 1800-299-7264 United Airlines Reservations Phone Number'

2020 Statement of Qualifications for Professional Services

…and date completed. Owner’s name, reference contact person, phone number, and e-mail address. Description of services performed. Permitting agencies. 4. Provide specific information on the firm’s litigation history, in the…

Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority Park Ordinance

…to be notified or by deposit in the United States mail, in a sealed envelope, or postal card, postage prepaid, addressed to such person to be notified at the person’s…

June 5

…acres, Sherman Oaks. Negotiators: Joseph T. Edmiston and Derek Wiseman. Under consideration: price and terms. (This item may be heard in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.8 of the Government…

October 3

…the acquisition of APNs 2551-002-004 and 005 in the Big Tujunga Canyon watershed, Sunland. Negotiators: Joseph T. Edmiston and Cheri Savage. Under consideration: price and terms. (This item may be…

November 9

…4434-008-004 and 4434-007-002 totaling 42.83 acres in the Topanga Canyon watershed and acceptance of funds from Los Angeles County. Negotiators: Joseph T. Edmiston and Toni Shewell. Under consideration: price and…

October 2, 2019

…field_5a9f7c459596a 2 field_5a9f7c659596b VI. field_5a9f7c0495968 (f) field_5a9f7c3195969 Consideration of resolution authorizing the expenditure of Community Facilities District Numbers 1 , 2016-1, and private funds to acquire properties in the eastern…

Parking Citation Hardship Payment Plan

number of payment plans or total fine amounts for Low Income Payment Plans. Citation recipients must pay the $5 enrollment fee for each contract and cannot add citations to already…

November 1

…2581-003-001 (approximately 20 acres), Wilson Canyon, unincorporated Los Angeles County.Negotiators: Joseph T. Edmiston and Howard Bannister. Under consideration: price and terms. (This matter may be heard in closed session pursuant…

Notice under the Americans with Disabilities Act

…employment-related complaints of disability discrimination. The complaint should be in writing and contain information about the alleged discrimination such as name, address, phone number of complainant and location, date, and…

June 5, 2019

…resolution authorizing application to the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy for a grant of Proposition 68 funds for updates and improvements to the Our Malibu Beaches mobile phone application. field_5a9f7c459596a 2…